Autumn Pest Proofing Tasks
7th of November, 2022Alas, what, summer we have had is long gone now. Contrary to popular belief, though, this does not mean pest problems are also ending. Flying Insects may be less of an issue however pest problems can often increase with the changing season. The reason for this is simple: pests tend to enter homes looking for shelter. Besides escaping the cold, pests also come inside whilst foraging to find food sources that may not be available due to the change in climate. Pest proofing at this time of year is essential to reduce the risk of infestation.
Things to do:
There are two things you’ll need to do when autumn pest-proofing. Pests (rodents) need to be stopped from entering your property. This requires any gaps and cracks to be sealed with suitable products to minimize risk of ingress. Pest-Master can provide advice and carry out all remedial works to assist with proofing issues.
Secondly, remove things that will be attractive to rodents. Maintaining good hygiene levels is essential, remove any food debris which offers nutrients and attracts intruder pests, standing water in plant pots outside or in denies another opportunity for pests, and areas where pests can get into and hide, rodents normally find access into properties via service pipes including, water, electric and gas entry points. These ingress points should be checked and sealed. Storing food consumables properly is also very important. Food should never be left in things like cardboard boxes or plastic packets. Also, deep clean your kitchen. Go through the room from top to bottom and get rid of any lurking food particles.
All food waste should be placed in a bin that has a good tight seal on it and, where possible, place this bin inside a cupboard. It’s also a good idea to lift your bin off the ground. Frequently washing bins will also help deter all sorts of pests.
Clearing dirt and clutter improves your life too
Removing harbourage points both within your home and in your garden will help reduce the risk of infestations through the winter months. You want to make sure there are no places where pests can hide or breed. De-clutter your property, remove all garden waste regularly and inspect soft soil areas and around huts/outbuildings for evidence of burrows.
Make sure areas under kitchen units, cookers and fridges are thoroughly cleaned as rodent pests love to hide out and find nutrients in these areas.
Rodents are attracted to unused areas where they can live undisturbed. Places like guest rooms, box rooms, garages and basements are often neglected. These areas should be checked and maintained properly also.
Call Pest-Master for additional advice and protect your property.